Permaculture Design Courses
Online Courses
We continue to expand our course offerings, deepening and broadening the material in them to expand the Online Permaculture Design Course library.
We’re offering our next online Permaculture Design Course starting July 15. We continue to add to and improve this course and have been getting great feedback:
“The information is so clear and relevant, yet in depth - it’s a great course. I feel like I can use the information right away. It has both practical information and plenty of creative inspiration as well.”
“I absolutely loved this section of the course. It was inspiring, informative, and covered things I never even dreamed of.”
“I appreciate the live sessions where I can get any of my questions answered and am looking forward to the sessions with other experts.”
We strive to give you the information you need to be successful, whether it’s with your own land or if you wish to become a professional designer. We walk you through each step of the design process with exercises that gradiently build your design over the length of the course.
We feel that it’s becoming increasingly important that people have this information! We want to make it as accessible as possible, because we feel it’s a vital skill set, and we want to make sure as many people as possible master these skills.