Permaculture learning with internationally recognized leaders

Now more than ever, people have attention on creating more choices and resilience in their lives. We want healthy food, a clean environment, and security for ourselves, our children and future generations.
Grow Permaculture’s internationally recognized Permaculture Design Course offers practical steps to achieving these.

What is permaculture?

Permaculture is a design methodology that can be used to design any aspect of our lives, based on working with nature instead of against her. This includes the natural world, and the nature of people too.

When we work with nature, we can tap into the abundance she offers us. When we work against nature, we actually destroy that abundance and have less and less to work with in the future. The reason humans would do such a foolish thing is because we are missing a key element – big picture design.
In permaculture, we don’t just design a field of crops. We design systems that both benefit from and feed and heal the ecosystem around them. We increase the health and resilience of the water supply, and use economic and community building strategies that increase resilience and abundance for both the farmer and the community.

The Permaculture Design Course

In the Permaculture Design Course you will learn:
• How to apply permaculture techniques to design your life for more abundance and resilience.
• How to grow your own food abundantly and sustainably.
• How to increase your own quality of life while helping to heal the planet.
• How to create and deepen beneficial connections with nature and with other people.
• How to create or enhance your career using permaculture.

By cooperating with nature and her energies, we are able to design our lives, from backyard gardens and food forests to neighborhoods, farms or even cities to be more abundant, more sustainable, healthier, and more enjoyable. It is a cutting edge approach to living that helps both people and the environment. This course is life changing for many people.

Homes, work places, gardens, farms, ranches, communities, businesses, local economies, or cities that are designed with permaculture principles and techniques are more resilient; they use resources in a regenerative way, ensuring that we, our children and our grandchildren will have access to all the resources we need. By incorporating people care into the equation, this process becomes deeply enjoyable too.
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“Though the problems of the world are increasingly complex, the solutions remain embarrassingly simple.”
-- Bill Mollison

Founder of permaculture

Start Here!

The Permaculture Design Course (PDC) is the foundation needed to understand and apply permaculture. With the full PDC under your belt, you are ready to dive into any area of interest from any and all of the areas in permaculture. You can learn online and/or in-person.


Our online courses includes practical activities much the same as if you were in front of our instructors in the in-person course but you gain the freedom to follow your own schedule, and there is an added bonus for online material as it remains available to you after you graduate and includes more optional material than can be delivered in-person.

This can be considered part of your personal library.

We don't deliver a purely theoretical course, but one that is as close as possible to the in-person class. Thus we include hands-on activities you perform where you are, written materials, videos, personal mentoring (including careers), and live online Q and A and guest speaker sessions where students have an opportunity to have a direct interaction with instructors and other students alike.


Our In-Person PDC has a class size limit and is done over six months. Delivered in both urban and farm settings courses are held one weekend a month (fall courses skip December) to better accomodate busy schedules.

We incorporate multiple learning styles including:
• hands on
• visual aids
• immersion
• lecture
• interaction

Both courses includes expert speakers, focused hands on activities (that give you step by step useful skill sets), Florida-specific information (and other regions), written materials, interactive sessions, on-site work, networking, personal mentoring and help with career opportunities.

Graduate Testimonials

This Permaculture Design Certificate Course changed my life. I feel so fortunate to have the information that will allow me to be fully self-sufficient, off the grid, living with true abunadance, and I am grateful that I know how to create abundance for entire communities. I'm certain that working in and with Permaculture is how I can contribute to dramatically improving the world, right now. We really can feed the world and solve most of the world's problems in a garden. Kudos to Koreen for a valuable, practical introduction to all the key elements of permaculture design. I am so grateful I took this course.
I really enjoyed the whole PDC experience. I knew I would, but it was even better than I had thought. I loved the detailed theoretical classes in which I learned how to build soil, how to make it faster than it would happen naturally, how plants benefit each other. I also liked the hands on experiences a lot, it made many concepts so much clearer. I enjoyed the teacher's methods, and the warmth of the teachers' helpers.

It was a learning experience in every single level not to mention a great opportunity to meet nice people and grow. Thanks!!!
I've had my permaculture friends tell me this course changed their life. I never understood why, or what the fuss was about, until I did the course myself. It is a paradigm shift to a much nicer and better paradigm. Don't hesitate to do this course!
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