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The Permaculture Design Course
In the Permaculture Design Course you will learn:
• How to apply permaculture techniques to design your life for more abundance and resilience.
• How to grow your own food abundantly and sustainably.
• How to increase your own quality of life while helping to heal the planet.
• How to create and deepen beneficial connections with nature and with other people.
• How to create or enhance your career using permaculture.
By cooperating with nature and her energies, we are able to design our lives, from backyard gardens and food forests to neighborhoods, farms or even cities to be more abundant, more sustainable, healthier, and more enjoyable. It is a cutting edge approach to living that helps both people and the environment. This course is life changing for many people.
Homes, work places, gardens, farms, ranches, communities, businesses, local economies, or cities that are designed with permaculture principles and techniques are more resilient; they use resources in a regenerative way, ensuring that we, our children and our grandchildren will have access to all the resources we need. By incorporating people care into the equation, this process becomes deeply enjoyable too.